English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "wankel" is om te loop, beweeg, of onstabiel of met moeite te staan, asof dit op die punt staan om te val of balans te verloor. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n gevoel van duiseligheid of disoriëntasie, of om iemand te skok of te verras deur aan hulle onverwagte inligting of nuus te gee. Daarbenewens kan "wankel" gebruik word as 'n werkwoord om dinge te rangskik te beskryf op 'n manier wat nie in 'n reguit lyn of patroon is nie, of as 'n selfstandige naamwoord om na 'n ongelyke of onreëlmatige patroon of rangskikking te verwys.


  1. distribute

Sentence Examples

  1. The giant man stomped toward them he began to stagger as the fumes overwhelmed him.
  2. Grasping the chair with both hands she lifted it from the floor and began to stagger across the large room.
  3. CAT YELPED IN PAIN AND Kassie jerked around to see her stagger up from the ground then rip her sword up the torso of a creature.
  4. The boys watched her take Crayne for a stagger and looked amongst themselves.
  5. Tussaud sliced the first chair clean in half with a horizontal slash, but the second one belted her right in the midsection, causing her to stagger.
  6. But they had scarcely charged the animal with this double load, when he began to stagger, and then with a great effort walked a few minutes, then staggered again, and sank down dead by the side of the black horse, which he had just managed to come up to.
  7. As they broke through the surface into the night air what greeted them made them stop and stagger.
  8. He set up two shots of rice wine on the bar which he downed smartly, making him belch and stagger as it kicked like a horse.
  9. Brushing the dirt off her body, she began to stagger up towards the gate, head down.
  10. Beady Eyes stagger his way to a standing position.