English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "slagting" is om diere dood te maak, veral vir hul vleis, of om 'n groot aantal mense of diere op 'n brutale of gewelddadige manier dood te maak. Dit kan ook verwys na die daad om groot skade of vernietiging te veroorsaak, of om iemand maklik en beslissend in 'n kompetisie of konflik te verslaan.

Sentence Examples

  1. Flint wondered if this would be the last lazy, sunlit afternoon they would enjoy, or if he and CJ could stop the potential slaughter just minutes away.
  2. The anguish and sorrow that consumed him was devoured by hatred as he saw the lone figure in the trees, watching the demons slaughter his own parents.
  3. He had feared he might be tormented by some peculiar feelings at the site of a slaughter, given his recent heightened sensibilities, but fortunately he felt nothing except his own historical awareness.
  4. From her navel to her chest, her body had been cut, gutted like one of the animals brought to slaughter.
  5. How could she ever have dreamed that her father had killed her mother, and was involved in the slaughter of the entire royal family?
  6. Behind him, the clink of shackles broke the silence as the Dokkalfar detained the handful of prisoners they had selected to slaughter on ceremony.
  7. They had helped arrange the indiscriminate slaughter of an entire family.
  8. Akirandon was powerful enough to burn Velkarath to the ground with the flick of her wrist, to slaughter him and everyone else in this realm without effort.
  9. He would either kill my men or disappear again until the next slaughter.
  10. They say the slaughter was so bad that the beck flowed crimson with blood.

TV Series Examples



lt would be shameful to slaughter such a man