English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "sonde" is 'n onsedelike daad wat beskou word as 'n oortreding van die goddelike wet. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n goddelose of laakbare optrede, gedrag of gedagte. In 'n godsdienstige konteks word sonde dikwels beskou as 'n oortreding teen God of 'n skending van morele beginsels, en kan beskou word as 'n toestand wat bekering en vergifnis vereis. Die konsep van sonde word gevind in verskeie godsdienstige tradisies, insluitend Christendom, Judaïsme, Islam, Hindoeïsme en Boeddhisme, onder andere.

Sentence Examples

  1. But besides all this, he reminded him that if he prided himself on being a gentleman and a Christian, he could not do otherwise than keep his plighted word and that in doing so he would obey God and meet the approval of all sensible people, who know and recognised it to be the privilege of beauty, even in one of humble birth, provided virtue accompany it, to be able to raise itself to the level of any rank, without any slur upon him who places it upon an equality with himself and furthermore that when the potent sway of passion asserts itself, so long as there be no mixture of sin in it, he is not to be blamed who gives way to it.
  2. Poor father cleared his conscience of his sin when he died.
  3. Pious, well-meant reproof requires a different demeanour and arguments of another sort at any rate, to have reproved me in public, and so roughly, exceeds the bounds of proper reproof, for that comes better with gentleness than with rudeness and it is not seemly to call the sinner roundly blockhead and booby, without knowing anything of the sin that is reproved.
  4. This sin, so far as it has lain in my power, I have endeavoured to avoid ever since I have enjoyed the faculty of reason and if I am unable to requite good deeds that have been done me by other deeds, I substitute the desire to do so and if that be not enough I make them known publicly for he who declares and makes known the good deeds done to him would repay them by others if it were in his power, and for the most part those who receive are the inferiors of those who give.
  5. Richard had used his surname only in the note, and Harry quite reasonably believed he was being summoned by Robert for his sin of ambition.
  6. They thought everything that was different was a sin.
  7. Screwing her is already a grave sin, and a fuck up I literally cannot un-fuck.
  8. I let the evil desire rule my judgment with her, as I did you, and will carry that sin with me until my dying day.
  9. Perhaps being eaten was the only redemption left in this sin ridden world.
  10. He says it would have been a sin to, for I slept peacefully and was forgetting my trouble.