English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "sideboard" is 'n selfstandige naamwoord met veelvuldige betekenisse. Hier is die twee mees algemene definisies:'n Meubelstuk: 'n Sideboard verwys na 'n meubelstuk wat ontwerp is vir berging en uitstalling in 'n eetkamer of kombuis. Dit bestaan tipies uit 'n plat boonste oppervlak, wat dikwels gebruik word om kos te bedien of om dekoratiewe items uit te stal, en een of meer kaste of laaie vir die berging van skottelgoed, eetgerei en ander items. Sideboards word dikwels gebruik om fyn porselein, glasware of ander noodsaaklike eetgerei te stoor en ten toon te stel.'n Taktiese posisie in 'n speletjie: In sekere speletjies, veral bordspeletjies soos skaak of dam , 'n sideboard is 'n gereserveerde area waar spelers tydelik stukke kan stoor wat uit die hoofspeelarea verwyder is. Spelers kan hierdie stukke later in die spel terugbring soos nodig, dikwels om hul strategie aan te pas of op spesifieke toestande te reageer.Dit is opmerklik dat die term "sideboard" ook kan addisionele gespesialiseerde betekenisse in spesifieke kontekste of industrieë hê. Die definisies wat hierbo genoem is, verteenwoordig egter die mees algemene en algemene interpretasies van die woord.


  1. buffet
  2. counter

Sentence Examples

  1. I picked up a pot of coffee from the sideboard where we kept the drinks station and started my rounds.
  2. He saw what he needed on a sideboard next to the stairs.
  3. Then she got up and went to the sideboard, pouring herself a large port.
  4. And there was a nice apple pie cooling on a rack by the sideboard.
  5. Confining himself to pleasantries and flattery, Beau waited until Father sliced the roast beef and set the carving knife on the sideboard before announcing the purpose of his call.
  6. To the right, an expensive-looking sideboard, also rosewood, took up most of the wall, flanked by other bits and pieces of furniture.
  7. Within a few minutes, we were both seated and ready to go, candles flickering at the center of the table and from the narrow buffet I used as a sideboard.
  8. So I blame my mother for the pile of torn pages in the corner, the plate I smashed against the sideboard, and a frightened messenger who shall think twice before again knocking on my door.
  9. There were more ornaments on top of the sideboard including, incongruously, a set of ceramic penguins.
  10. Her majesty had taken a marrowbone upon her plate, and, after knocking out the marrow, placed the bone again on the dish erect, as it stood before the dwarf, watching his opportunity, while Glumdalclitch was gone to the sideboard, mounted upon the stool she stood on to take care of me at meals, took me up in both hands, and squeezing my legs together, wedged them into the marrowbone above my waist, where I stuck for some time, and made a very ridiculous figure.