English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord het "toonbank" verskeie woordeboekbetekenisse, insluitend:'n Lang platbladtafel of oppervlak waaroor goedere verkoop of besigheid gedoen word.'n Toestel om 'n getal te tel of aan te dui, wat tipies bestaan uit 'n reeks skywe of syfers wat met die hand of deur 'n masjien gedraai kan word.'n Persoon of ding wat 'n ander teëstaan of kontroleer. li>'n Meubelstuk met 'n plat blad en een of meer rakke of laaie, wat gebruik word vir berging of uitstalling.In 'n kombuis, 'n plat oppervlak waarop kos voorberei en gekook kan word, tipies met kaste en laaie onder.As 'n werkwoord beteken "teenwerk":Om te praat of op te tree in opposisie met of in weerlegging van (iemand) of iets).Om op ('n aksie) te reageer met 'n soortgelyke aksie van jou eie.Om iets te koop of te ruil in ruil vir (iets anders). li>

Sentence Examples

  1. Nana D was able to reach a cherry pie she had cooled off on the counter.
  2. I ordered a cup of coffee at the counter, then walked to the table near the corner behind Officer Flatman.
  3. He drove to Asheville to work in the library and file some stories by fax, while I tackled the cheese counter and storeroom.
  4. A reception area corralled by a high counter occupies much of the space.
  5. I quickly step back again, not daring to look over in the direction of the reception in case the staff behind the counter think me strange.
  6. After I hung up, I dropped my head to the counter and closed my eyes.
  7. The café has an old and worn feel with tables and chairs of solid wood, a high counter displaying an array of tapas, and glass shelves lining the back bar, filled with bottles of spirits.
  8. I stopped short in the doorway when I noticed Bridget holding a knife on Nana D near the back counter.
  9. The room was overly chilly when I hobbled to the counter to pour myself a cup.
  10. Antonio, son of old Tío Pepe, is wiping down the counter when I walk in.