English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "geskouer" kan wissel na gelang van die konteks en die spesifieke vorm van die woord wat gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar moontlike definisies:"Geskouer" is die verlede tyd van die werkwoord "skouer," wat beteken om iets op 'n mens se skouer te dra. Byvoorbeeld, "Hy het die swaar boks geskouer en dit na die vragmotor gedra.""Geskouer" kan ook 'n byvoeglike naamwoord wees wat iets met 'n bepaalde tipe skouer beskryf. Byvoorbeeld, "Die baadjie het opgestopte, skouermoue gehad.""Geskouer" kan ook figuurlik gebruik word om 'n verantwoordelikheid of las te aanvaar. Byvoorbeeld, "Hy het die verantwoordelikheid gedra om vir sy bejaarde ouers te sorg."Oor die algemeen verwys "geskouer" gewoonlik na iets op of met 'n mens se skouer dra of 'n verantwoordelikheid of las.

Sentence Examples

  1. Dan shouldered the door hard, forcing the chair behind it to squeal across the boards.
  2. She then shouldered her pack and resumed her journey down the dark tunnel, holding the glowing jar up as a means of light.
  3. He quickly shouldered his gun and dug his hands in the earth, speaking a mixture of languages.
  4. The guitar was back in its case, but he shouldered the other bundle and pushed his glasses up his nose before looking to me.
  5. He grabbed a few packs from our mount and shouldered them.
  6. Her color had returned, and with it, the burden she shouldered.
  7. Alex elbowed her way through the throng and shouldered past a television camera, wrapping the elastic around her fistful of hair.
  8. The man locked the gate, shouldered his pack, and walked off toward Sol Polis, the morning breeze ruffling his dark hair.
  9. She glanced at her watch as she shouldered her way out the front door and down the steps.
  10. After hearing the routine Mary had shouldered for five weeks, I had to agree.