English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "skuiling" is 'n plek of struktuur wat beskerming bied teen weer, gevaar of skade. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n tydelike of permanente woning, soos 'n huis, 'n hut of 'n tent, wat 'n woon- of verblyfplek bied. Daarbenewens kan "skuiling" as 'n werkwoord gebruik word, wat beteken om in 'n skuiling te voorsien of te skuil of om iemand of iets teen skade te beskerm.

Sentence Examples

  1. Edward, whooping, held aloft a leather bag, the signal that the deed was done, and as quickly as they had descended, they disappeared into the veiled shelter of the forest, leaving the men to regroup and speed the carriage from the ambush.
  2. During the Second World War, Timothy prepared, by moving from his favorite wisteria bed, to an air raid shelter he dug under the terrace steps.
  3. The trees provided temporary shelter from the wet, but the wind followed them in, howling as it rifled through their hair.
  4. The only survivors left had taken shelter in homes, some families were lucky to survive, and others fortified their front doors.
  5. Was it time for him to find shelter for his son, and go to die somewhere alone?
  6. Within the stronghold of Béziers a mixture of Cathars and good Catholics sought shelter.
  7. Lach was her friend, her staunch defender, but now that her mother was gone Cianne had been left without an adult to protect and shelter her.
  8. Owner in chief of an illegal shelter for offworlders by night.
  9. She could have found shelter in a broom closet she could have taken James home.
  10. Alber was from Enzar, like me, and Nell had adopted him at three from another shelter.