English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "verwyder" is om iets weg te neem of iets van 'n spesifieke posisie of plek af te neem. Dit kan ook beteken om iets of iemand uit te skakel of van ontslae te raak, om van een plek na 'n ander oor te plaas, of om van amp of posisie te verplaas. Die woord kan ook in die konteks van emosies of gedagtes gebruik word, wat beteken om jouself van 'n bepaalde gevoel of idee te distansieer.

Sentence Examples

  1. I sit with my back to the restaurant wall and remove my sunglasses, grateful for the solitude.
  2. Your father tried unsuccessfully to remove her as department chair.
  3. He used this non-surgical treatment in his Baker Institute, going so far as to open a skull of an eighty-six-year-old cancer patient in front of a live audience, pouring the concoction over his brain to remove a tumor.
  4. I attempt one long breath and exhale, feeling some semblance of tension remove when suddenly, that familiar buzz arrives.
  5. The demon rolled away, howling like a banshee, clawing to remove the magical crystal piercing its head.
  6. I had to lean a hand against a large stone in the wall, rough to the touch, to remove each of my sandals in turn, shaking them free of gravel.
  7. She had seen him remove a plank and lay it momentarily on the floor before replacing it, but nothing gave-way to her touch.
  8. This is the third occurrence of his favoritism in the last two months, which clearly explains why the petition to remove Ayrwick from office sooner than the end of this semester is gaining momentum.
  9. Catherine watched the blob of red begin to solidify before taking her ring and pressing it lightly into the wax, turning it so as to remove any impression of the crest.
  10. Realising more than a cheery wave is called for, I stand and remove my sunglasses and issue him a warm smile.

TV Series Examples



You may remove your helm.