English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "geskei" is om te beweeg of uitmekaar te hou, om te verdeel, te verdeel, om te ontkoppel of om die kontinuïteit van iets te verbreek. Dit kan ook verwys na fisies of emosioneel verwyderd van iemand of iets, of om geskei te wees of wetlik geskei te wees van 'n gade of lewensmaat.


  1. detached

Sentence Examples

  1. The King went hunting and, separated from his men, he finds himself in a haunted hall and sets his wits against the witch he finds there.
  2. Fix, seeing that he must, at all hazards, be separated from his master, wished to entirely overcome him.
  3. Too close now, his attacker could not swing the blade, and Jack got in a painful jab to his ribs with the hilt of his own sword before the two horses separated.
  4. Our abilities placed us both in a different dimension, one that separated us from the general population.
  5. When we separated, I scanned her shocking and brilliant transformation.
  6. A light breeze kicked up, tangling the strands, and he separated them with gentle fingers.
  7. A chain-link fence and an alley separated us from the neighbouring house.
  8. They had gone nearly twenty-five miles that day, and an equal distance still separated them from the station of Allahabad.
  9. The island is situated at the mouth of the Canton River, and is separated by about sixty miles from the Portuguese town of Macao, on the opposite coast.
  10. He remembered their group had been separated by the explosion during the battle.