English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "stuur" is die handeling om iets of iemand te laat gaan of na 'n spesifieke plek geneem word, veral per pos, e-pos of ander kommunikasiemiddele. Dit kan ook verwys na die aksie om iets, soos 'n boodskap of pakkie, te versend of te versend. Boonop kan "stuur" gebruik word om die handeling van projektering of uitstuur van iets, soos energie of lig, te beskryf.

Sentence Examples

  1. I thanked Cleva again for sending out an SOS to all my customers.
  2. Sorcery flared within her and a shock spell careened into the fiend, sending him flying back out of the window and through the air.
  3. He kneels ever so slightly to catch the water dripping into a particularly lovely pool, its drops sending circles through the water as if in slow motion.
  4. Her warm, soft hands slipped up underneath it, splaying over his skin, sending frissons of pleasure up his spine.
  5. Not that Evan had expected the book to tell him exactly why an evil monster kept sending his minions to capture him.
  6. I missed, and the dagger clattered away down the Passage, sending sparks of red magic rebounding after it.
  7. The cannonball hit his stomach with incredible impact, driving the oxygen out of him and sending him skidding across the ground.
  8. The world flipped over as the backlash struck, sending me flying into a half-crushed car.
  9. The ocean is still heavy after the storm, the tide high, waves crashing on the basalt reef, sending up fountains of spume.
  10. As they ran through one street, Jed collided with a kobold, knocking him over and sending his shopping bags flying through the air.

TV Series Examples



- ls that why you're sending us home?



Dareon, we are sending you



l'm sending you both back to Winterfell.