English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord het "rol" 'n paar verskillende betekenisse, insluitend:'n Lang, smal stuk perkament, papier of ander materiaal met skrif daarop wat opgerol is, veral een wat vir historiese of godsdienstige doeleindes gebruik word.'n Grafiese gebruikerskoppelvlak-element wat gebruikers toelaat om inhoud te sien wat te groot is om op die skerm te pas deur op en af of links en regs te blaai.'n Dekoratiewe ontwerp of patroon in die vorm van 'n lang, smal strook met 'n kronkelende, gekrulde of kronkelende vorm.As 'n werkwoord beteken "blaai" om te beweeg teks of prente op 'n rekenaarskerm of ander elektroniese vertoning deur 'n vinger of muiswyser op, af, links of regs te skuif.


  1. roll

Sentence Examples

  1. Again I glanced toward the door then with suddenly clumsy fingers I opened the little scroll.
  2. He gasped as a giant scroll materialised above his cabinet.
  3. It was not until I withdrew from my belt a small scroll written in the firm hand of the old monk and handed it to the abbot before true astonishment settled in among the crowd.
  4. Determined to give it back to her in the morning, he dropped it on the desk and pulled out his own to scroll through his messages.
  5. It was written on the back of the scroll from the King, which inferred the invitation was not all that interesting to the Lady.
  6. She spotted the man, Zalphium, frantically unrolling the scroll as two knights approached him, swords drawn.
  7. She stepped up to the desk and handed the scroll across to the wizard.
  8. Pushing aside several books on his desk and knocking several more to the floor, he stood and bent over the scroll, gently unrolling more and more of it on his desk.
  9. Walking down the stairs to retrieve his sword from the guard below, he absently tapped the scroll against the palm of his hand, the vaguest trace of a smile at the corner of his mouth.
  10. After he died, his brother Myron presented a false scroll, swearing that my father had named him heir.