English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord het "rol" verskeie betekenisse:'n Silindriese voorwerp wat langer is as wat dit wyd is.'n Lys name of ander items geskryf of op 'n boekrol of papier gedruk.'n Klein, gewoonlik ronde of ovaal, stukkie brood.'n Hoeveelheid iets wat om homself opgerol of gewikkel word, bv. as 'n rol mat of 'n rol film.'n Beweging waarin iemand of iets oor en oor draai, soos 'n salto.As 'n werkwoord, "rol" het ook verskeie betekenisse:Om iets langs 'n oppervlak te beweeg deur dit oor en oor te draai, soos om 'n bal te rol of deeg te rol.Om in te beweeg. 'n rolbeweging, soos 'n skip wat in swaar see rol.Om 'n lys van name of ander items te maak.Om oor en oor te draai, soos in salto's of in branders .Om 'n harde, diep, dreunende geluid te produseer, soos donderweer of 'n swaar vragmotor wat verbyry.


  1. bowl

Sentence Examples

  1. Then I sit at the table, roll up my trouser leg and gaze at the swollen, mangled flesh.
  2. Levering herself inside, she fell, tucking her body into a ball, turning the tumble into a roll.
  3. I turn off the TV, pull the blankets up to his chin and roll him over like I have for the past eight years, minus the last few months.
  4. I even roll down my windows the old-fashioned way.
  5. I crumpled the lunch wrappings, threw Jake a piece of roll, and found a sunnier spot.
  6. Gloria removes the top half of her roll and pulls off the crispy coating of the fish.
  7. On the floor are old scraps of timber, a roll of chicken wire, two saw horses, and an array of power tools.
  8. His speculations arrive like a drum roll at the foot of a new idea.
  9. After some time shunting about tea towels, oven gloves, aprons, plastic bags, boxes of matches and candles, a roll of cling wrap, several cork screws and a never-used rolling pin gifted by my mother, I kneel down and extract the contents item by item, shaking and rattling until I find the key lodged in a small leather pouch.
  10. Elder Borean patted her hand and made soothing noises, offering her his handkerchief so that she could wipe away the tears that had begun to roll over her cheeks again.