English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "geleerde" word tipies soos volg gedefinieer:'n Geleerde of kundige persoon, veral een wat kundigheid in 'n bepaalde studieveld opgedoen het of gevorderde akademiese prestasies. Geleerdes word dikwels geassosieer met intellektuele strewes en het 'n diepgaande begrip van hul gekose vak. Voorbeeld: Die professor is 'n bekende geleerde op die gebied van astrofisika.'n Persoon wat betrokke is by die strewe na kennis en opvoeding, veral deur formele studie aan 'n opvoedkundige instelling soos bv. as 'n universiteit of kollege. Voorbeeld: Die jong skolier volg 'n graad in letterkunde.'n Student wat 'n beurs ontvang het, wat 'n finansiƫle toekenning of toekenning is wat gegee word om hul opvoeding of akademiese pogings te ondersteun. Voorbeeld: Die skolier is dankbaar vir die beurs wat hulle in staat stel om hul studies voort te sit.In die algemeen is 'n skolier iemand wat toegewyd is om kennis te bekom, hetsy deur hul eie navorsing en studie of deur deel te neem aan formele opvoedkundige programme. Hulle word dikwels erken vir hul intellektuele prestasies en bydraes tot hul vakgebied.


  1. assimilator
  2. learner

Sentence Examples

  1. Just as he had been in his first mortal life Robert was once again a scholar, though this time around he had doctorates in literature and philology, but not divinity.
  2. None, however, have affected me as deeply as the story of the Scholar and the time that I spent with him after he saved my life.
  3. He had the build and strength honed by the mines, but the astuteness of a scholar.
  4. They learned his secrets in the Scholomance, amongst the mountains over Lake Hermanstadt, where the devil claims the tenth scholar as his due.
  5. Next in the Series Savants of Humanity Six years have passed since the Scholar, Hawke Morau, saved Micasa from a life of slavery.
  6. As a scholar, his whole life was supposedly about gaining knowledge and ultimately wisdom.
  7. The licentiate said he would get him a cousin of his own, a famous scholar, and one very much given to reading books of chivalry, who would have great pleasure in conducting him to the mouth of the very cave, and would show him the lakes of Ruidera, which were likewise famous all over La Mancha, and even all over Spain and he assured him he would find him entertaining, for he was a youth who could write books good enough to be printed and dedicated to princes.
  8. And moreover, I can tell you, all that he sings is out of his own head for I have heard them say he is a great scholar and poet and what is more, every time I see him or hear him sing I tremble all over, and am terrified lest my father should recognise him and come to know of our loves.
  9. It was the room of a scholar, with piles of books and prime pieces of art from extensive travels.
  10. Rouge would give me your power of the Scholar I give you some minor injury when you come back to take it.