English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "sout" het veelvuldige woordeboekbetekenisse, insluitend:Proe van of bevat sout.Het 'n sterk, skerp geur as gevolg van die teenwoordigheid van sout .Figuurlik, om geïrriteerd of gegrief te wees, veral in reaksie op 'n ligte of belediging.Staalgebruik wat verwys na iemand wat taai, aggressief of selfgeldend is, dikwels op 'n konfronterende manier .Ook slang, wat iemand beskryf wat buitensporig kwaad, bitter of sinies is, veral wanneer negatiewe opmerkings oor iemand of iets gemaak word.Die presiese betekenis van die woord "sout" sal afhang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word.

Sentence Examples

  1. As Delila pushed through the door to the rooftop Harry was met with a refreshing breeze of salty air.
  2. It felt like a heat wave was passing over, but it was bearable with the salty breeze of the sea.
  3. His mispronounced Spanish when he tried to order tapas had thrown me and I brought out the little salty potatoes instead of the squid he wanted.
  4. The cool breeze whipped through my hair, and I breathed in the salty, sea air.
  5. Light spilled out onto the cobbled streets, along with snatches of song, the salty scent of the sea mingling with the tang of alcohol.
  6. My lips tasted salty from the sporadic tears that had fallen during my flight through the woods.
  7. The wind is cool but not unpleasant, carrying with it the fresh salty air of the ocean.
  8. Sheila could barely make them out, the salty sea air stung her eyes and she could taste it on her lips.
  9. Many of the buildings in the village are abandoned, others run down, the salty air eating into the whitewash, revealing the render in patches of speckled grey.
  10. Jose Saramago Celestino The ocean heaves to its own pulse, angry and insistent, forcing its bulk against the rock my wet and salty companion, silent, even as it roars.