English to afrikaans meaning of

hartseer word gedefinieer as die toestand van hartseer wees, ongelukkigheid of hartseer ervaar, of hartseer of teleurstelling uitdruk. Dit is 'n emosionele reaksie op 'n gebeurtenis of omstandigheid wat as ongelukkig of ongewens beskou word, en word dikwels gekenmerk deur gevoelens van somberheid, melancholie of moedeloosheid. Hartseer kan deur 'n wye verskeidenheid faktore veroorsaak word, insluitend verlies, verwerping, mislukking, eensaamheid en ander tipe emosionele pyn.


  1. gloominess
  2. lugubriousness

Sentence Examples

  1. The lakes aforesaid send him their waters, and with these, and others that come to him, he makes a grand and imposing entrance into Portugal but for all that, go where he may, he shows his melancholy and sadness, and takes no pride in breeding dainty choice fish, only coarse and tasteless sorts, very different from those of the golden Tagus.
  2. In all of their eyes Arthur read uncertainty, sadness, fear, expectancy, and love.
  3. All this will make me continue my journey, not with the satisfaction in which I began it, but in the deepest melancholy and sadness.
  4. I stand in the doorway, an upwelling of sadness gripping my throat.
  5. I detect nothing of the sadness from before, no longing or heartache.
  6. He blinked, and when his eyes opened again, I recognized sadness beyond their glossy depths.
  7. When he looked back at Renea, she regarded him with sadness.
  8. He felt Mark deserved those words, maybe even needed them to help with his sadness, except Lance had never spoken those words in his entire life.
  9. She felt a pang of sadness, remembering his laughter.
  10. They wore expressions of sadness, as though both had lost someone he loved.