English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "regulerend" hou verband met of dien om iets te reguleer, te beheer of te beheer, tipies 'n aktiwiteit, proses of stelsel. Dit kan verwys na enigiets wat verantwoordelik is vir die toepassing van reëls, regulasies of wette, of om nakoming daarvan te verseker. Dit kan regerings- of nie-regeringsliggame, beleide of meganismes insluit wat toesig hou oor of bestuur oor verskeie aspekte van die samelewing, soos besighede, nywerhede of individue.


  1. regulative

Sentence Examples

  1. Others condemned her for pushing changes on a regulatory organization that appeared to function so well.
  2. He knew that this would be difficult, but he thought that he had enough regulatory and financial clout to get their participation.
  3. Some believed that this new, young Chief Executive Minster was the salvation of a regulatory body that needed an overhaul.