English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "verfyn" is:Gesuiwer of verwerk om onsuiwerhede of ongewenste elemente te verwyder.Gekultiveerd, gepoleer of gesofistikeerd op wyse, smaak, of voorkoms.Verbeter of vervolmaak deur klein veranderinge of aanpassings aan te bring.Vry van growwe, vulgêre of onbehoorlike elemente; gepoleer; elegant.Voorbeelde:Die suiker is verfyn om die melasse en ander onsuiwerhede te verwyder.Haar verfynde smake was duidelik in haar keuse van kuns en musiek.Die wetenskaplike het sy hipotese verfyn nadat hy die data hersien het.Die verfynde dekor van die hotel se voorportaal het 'n lug van luukse en gesofistikeerdheid uitgestraal.


  1. graceful
  2. elegant

Sentence Examples

  1. Poe in hours of leisure but he frequently called on us afterward at our place of business, and we met him often in the street-invariably the same sad mannered, winning and refined gentleman, such as we had always known him.
  2. As he went back to his desk, he wondered why such a beautiful, refined young lady was considering becoming a mail-order bride.
  3. If not wise or refined herself, she would have connected him with those who were but Miss Hawkins, it might be fairly supposed from her easy conceit, had been the best of her own set.
  4. A greater number of rays actually fall upon the eye in the latter case, but, in the former, there is the more refined capacity for comprehension.
  5. Their houses are very ill-built, the walls bevel, without one right angle in any apartment and this defect arises from the contempt they bear to practical geometry, which they despise as vulgar and mechanic those instructions they give being too refined for the intellects of their workmen, which occasions perpetual mistakes.
  6. Flicks of silver and red swam its surface like small creeks while every chair at its side sat the same, just as refined as the table, and awaiting its guests.
  7. The buildings were nicer, the people more refined.
  8. The countenance of this lady, made beautiful and saintly with an evidently complete giving up of her life to privation and sorrowful tenderness, her gentle and mournful voice urging its plea, her long-forgotten but habitually and unconsciously refined manners, and her appealing and yet appreciative mention of the claims and abilities of her son, disclosed at once the presence of one of those angels upon earth that women in adversity can be.
  9. And even though some of the guests were of color, I speculated that thirty years ago, it was a very pleasant, refined retreat where white South Africans could indulge themselves in relaxation, gambling, and sometimes other vices not readily available in South Africa.
  10. She will grow just refined enough to be uncomfortable with those among whom birth and circumstances have placed her home.