English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "grasieus" is 'n byvoeglike naamwoord wat iemand of iets beskryf wat gekenmerk word deur elegansie, skoonheid of gladheid in beweging, voorkoms of gedrag. Dit dra 'n gevoel van kalmte, sjarme en verfyning oor. Wanneer dit op 'n persoon toegepas word, dui dit op 'n vermoë om te beweeg of op te tree op 'n manier wat esteties aangenaam is, met 'n moeitelose en harmonieuse kwaliteit. Wanneer dit gebruik word om 'n voorwerp of aksie te beskryf, impliseer dit 'n aangename of aantreklike kwaliteit, wat dikwels geassosieer word met balans, vloeibaarheid of fynheid.

Sentence Examples

  1. Tapestries lush with vibrant colors covered the other walls, interspersed between the graceful arched windows.
  2. She strode past us, graceful on her four-inch stilettos, but not before sliding me a glare of undiluted malice.
  3. He frequently offered him a glass of whiskey or pale ale in the steamer bar-room, which Passepartout never failed to accept with graceful alacrity, mentally pronouncing Fix the best of good fellows.
  4. The structures were light and graceful, their façades appearing to consist of layer upon layer of lace, so elaborately worked was the stone.
  5. Not far off rose Ellora, with its graceful pagodas, and the famous Aurungabad, capital of the ferocious Aureng-Zeb, now the chief town of one of the detached provinces of the kingdom of the Nizam.
  6. She displays her graceful legs confidently in her tattered denim shorts.
  7. Vast forests of palms, arecs, bamboo, teakwood, of the gigantic mimosa, and tree-like ferns covered the foreground, while behind, the graceful outlines of the mountains were traced against the sky and along the coasts swarmed by thousands the precious swallows whose nests furnish a luxurious dish to the tables of the Celestial Empire.
  8. She watched him move about his kitchen, eyes drinking in his graceful motions.
  9. One, with a fan and some bits of paper, performed the graceful trick of the butterflies and the flowers another traced in the air, with the odorous smoke of his pipe, a series of blue words, which composed a compliment to the audience while a third juggled with some lighted candles, which he extinguished successively as they passed his lips, and relit again without interrupting for an instant his juggling.
  10. She was a pale, dark-haired woman with striking eyes, clear blue and ringed with black lashes, crowned by graceful, sloping brows.