English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "terug" is om skielik terug te spring of terug te deins in vrees, afgryse of walging, of om terug te trek of terug te deins in reaksie op iets onaangenaam of gevaarlik. Dit kan ook verwys na die terugwaartse beweging van 'n vuurwapen nadat dit afgevuur is of die krag of impak van 'n hou wat veroorsaak dat iets terugspring of terugspring. Daarbenewens kan "terug" beteken om te weier of te huiwer voordat jy iets doen, of om 'n negatiewe reaksie of negatiewe gevolge te ervaar as gevolg van 'n mens se optrede.


  1. kick

Sentence Examples

  1. When her hand reached for his, he overcame the urge to recoil.
  2. Tabby staggered backwards from the recoil as Sam slipped flaccidly to the floor.
  3. This, as we looked, trailed under the door, which with the recoil from its bursting open, had swung back to its old position.
  4. They deemed her a new mount but, she cared for few riders and would recoil from their offerings with a glare.
  5. The bolt had more recoil than I expected, vibrating through my hand and stopping as it hit the magicproof sleeve of my jacket.
  6. But nor would he again take Ve into the cold without flame, much as his younger brother now seemed to recoil from the very thing that ought to have protected him.
  7. Brooke thought she saw Arantay recoil, but his expression was half-hidden by the gloom.
  8. The recoil was a bitch Cam flailed wildly to catch his balance, and eventually settled his heels on the narrow bridge.
  9. In truth, they were the Dvergar, the Alfar race whose artisanship and forge drew them into the mountains long ago, before the ancient stories were ancient stories, before the forgotten war of the Aesir and the Vanir forced Odinn to recoil into his halls in Asgard and accumulate the Dead Riders for his Great Hunt.
  10. The recoil from the enormous pistol knocked her over, and she landed on her ass.