English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "rammel" is:om 'n vinnige reeks kort, skerp klanke te maak, soos van los voorwerpe wat teen mekaar of 'n oppervlak slaan om iets so 'n geluid te laat maakom te ontstel of te steur deur 'n skielike skok of alarm te veroorsaakom vinnig en aanhoudend te praat, veral op 'n senuweeagtige of opgewonde manier'n toestel wat 'n vinnige opeenvolging van kort, skerp klanke produseer, tipies gebruik as 'n speelding of 'n waarskuwingsein'n reeks losweg verbind, verwarde of betekenislose klanke of woorde

Sentence Examples

  1. At this instant they struck the awning and lowered the yard with a prodigious rattle.
  2. Your words still rattle in my head all these years later.
  3. She heard the rattle of a latch and knew he had opened her chest of toys.
  4. Then he undid his bracers they landed with a loud rattle near the gauntlets.
  5. I thumped onto the floor hard enough to rattle my bones.
  6. A pause and then a second rattle, harder, louder this time.
  7. Although those thoughts shared by Russell rattle inside my memory.
  8. The blaring of trumpets, the clatter of clanging cymbals and the thundering rattle of huge drums indicated the city was celebrating the arrival of a great leader.
  9. They stopped once again and Khaly heard the rattle of the cabinet doors.
  10. Either I hit a nerve or said an inappropriate thing for Annie stares at me like a zombie and the papers in her hands begin to rattle.