English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord kan "meul" verskeie verskillende betekenisse hê, insluitend:'n Masjien wat gebruik word om stowwe in klein deeltjies te maal of te vergruis, wat dikwels in die voedselindustrie gebruik word om maal koffie, speserye of vleis.'n Persoon wat maal, soos 'n professionele persoon wat gereedskap of lemme slyp.'n Duikboot-toebroodjie gemaak op 'n lang rol of baguette, tipies gevul met kouevleis, kaas en groente.'n Soort dans wat noue fisiese kontak tussen vennote en 'n roterende heupbeweging.Slang vir 'n persoon wat hard werk, veral in handearbeid, wat dikwels in die konstruksiebedryf gebruik word.

Sentence Examples

  1. Her limbs hurt as if she went through a meat grinder, but she had to find Perri.
  2. I held some confidence that I would pass the inspection and not have my ass in the grinder yet again.
  3. Pearl fed handfuls of meat into the electric grinder while I twisted the casings off the spout, sausage after sausage.
  4. I could hear the coffee grinder in the background.
  5. With her boots, her kit, and the vest strapped across her chest, she had everything she needed to be the best Grinder.