English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "verkragting" is:selfstandige naamwoord:onwettige seksuele omgang of enige ander seksuele penetrasie van die vagina, anus of mond van 'n ander persoon, met of sonder geweld, deur 'n geslagsorgaan, ander liggaamsdeel of vreemde voorwerp, sonder die toestemming van die slagoffer.'n daad van plundering, gewelddadige beslaglegging of mishandeling; despoliasie; skending.werkwoord (met voorwerp gebruik):om te dwing om seksuele omgang te hê.om te plunder ('n plek) ; plunder.om met geweld te gryp, te neem of weg te voer.om verkragting te pleeg.


  1. brassica napus
  2. colza

Sentence Examples

  1. Her vulnerability as she revealed the rape to Blyte.
  2. The last eighteen months had been filled with beatings, rape and humiliation for Shade.
  3. Date rape is as serious as other types of sexual assault.
  4. Rape and murder were now common amongst her people, so there was no reason she should let typical daily life, unfortunate though it may be, crumble her will to live.
  5. Public scrutiny and cross-examination by a ruthless defence lawyer would be her second rape.
  6. Cathy stonewalled further discussion about the rape, so he reverted to the poison-pen missives.
  7. On one of them was painted by some very poor hand the Rape of Helen, when the bold guest carried her off from Menelaus, and on the other was the story of Dido and Æneas, she on a high tower, as though she were making signals with a half sheet to her fugitive guest who was out at sea flying in a frigate or brigantine.
  8. Later an interpreter comes and I tell her about my rape.
  9. Thieves know owner is deaf and rape if name of woman.
  10. More like, though, they used it as an excuse for their never-ending raiding, their own rape and plunder of foreigners and other Ás tribes alike.