English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "soektog" is 'n soektog of strewe wat gedoen word om iets te vind of te bekom. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n lang of moeisame soeke na iets of 'n reis wat onderneem word om 'n doel te vind of te bereik. Die term kan ook gebruik word om 'n ridder se reis te beskryf om die Heilige Graal of enige soortgelyke avontuur te soek. Daarbenewens kan dit gebruik word as 'n werkwoord wat beteken om iets met vasberadenheid en volharding te soek of na te streef.


  1. pursuance
  2. pursuit

Sentence Examples

  1. They were frantic with excitement that their quest was nearing its end.
  2. Had they met accidentally, or had Fogg gone into the interior purposely in quest of this charming damsel?
  3. but for many, there was no life map, no quest, no Fellowship of the Ring, no greater purpose to grab and call their own.
  4. Our minds will push to fill this space with logic, firing up the reasoning part of the brain in an effort to convince us with rational thinking to abandon the quest.
  5. Beginning with the daily quest for food, clothing, and shelter, our forbearers must have marveled at all they encountered.
  6. Maybe Shirley is privately relishing this opportunity to steer me away from my quest to find him.
  7. Paddington did, my nana had to go one step further in their quest to annoy one another.
  8. In a quest to develop a Theory of Spiritual Relativity caution is needed.
  9. Ours is the most dangerous quest of all, for we seek to destroy the man who controls so much of these drugs.
  10. We realize we are standing on the arc of the rainbow we have sought and our quest for meaning changes.