English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "onbeskryflik" is iets of iemand wat nie kenmerkende of interessante kenmerke of kenmerke het nie; nie maklik beskryf of geklassifiseer nie. Dit kan ook verwys na iets of iemand wat onmerkbaar of gewoon in voorkoms is, soos 'n eenvoudige, onopgesmukte gebou of 'n onbeskryflike uitrusting.

Sentence Examples

  1. They wore the same nondescript uniform, only without a company name or logo.
  2. The nondescript warehouse appeared to be a bland and ordinary four-story building.
  3. Wearing black from head to foot, the nondescript coat and trousers reminded Dryden of his darkly clad boss.
  4. Our first stop was at a nondescript apartment building, containing ten or maybe even twenty flats.
  5. It was a fairly nondescript day to begin with, as every day tended to be.
  6. His tail, you perceive, is held aloft by his two principal concubines, Elline and Argelais and his whole appearance would be infinitely prepossessing, were it not for the protuberance of his eyes, which will certainly start out of his head, and the queer color of his face, which has become nondescript from the quantity of wine he has swallowed.
  7. The last two men, both nondescript and reeking of booze, threw me to the floor.
  8. With all the research she did throughout the region, she spent much of her time dressed in nondescript traveling clothes and walking the forest roads of the Aren.
  9. The large nondescript building held a restaurant, a community center, and in the back, a four-lane bowling alley.
  10. We parked in a dirt lot in front of a nondescript concrete-block building.