English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "kwarantyn" is 'n toestand, tydperk of plek van isolasie waarin mense, diere of dinge wat moontlik aan aansteeklike of aansteeklike siektes blootgestel is, gehou word om die verspreiding van die siekte te voorkom. Die term is afgelei van die Italiaanse woord "quarantina", wat "veertig dae" beteken, wat die tyd was dat skepe wat tydens die Swart Dood-plaag in Venesiƫ aangekom het, buite die stad moes anker voordat hul bemanning en passasiers toegelaat is om te gaan .

Sentence Examples

  1. They will be targets of oppression, quarantine, imprisonment and perhaps extermination.
  2. Near five thousand years ago Humans came from across the stars And landed just north of here On Quarantine Rock.
  3. Jack told them what little he knew and cautioned them against approaching the boat until the new arrivals had passed quarantine.
  4. Despite our best efforts to enforce quarantine and instigate security protocols, the virus wreaked havoc on board the Chester and there were one hundred and fifty-two fatalities, including our commanding officer, XO and chief engineer.
  5. He had established a quarantine zone in the inner courtyard where new arrivals could wait the forty-eight hours to show they were clear of infection.
  6. I took a week to go, another to return, four days of quarantine, and forty-eight hours to stay there that makes three weeks.
  7. The CDC have faxed over emergency quarantine instructions along with government procedures that are to be enforced immediately.
  8. Harry suspected the police were able to properly quarantine the hospital, but the dead had escaped before their arrival.
  9. The quarantine zone, the code, the rules we live by?
  10. There had been no news of any government safe zones or quarantine zones on the radio.