English to afrikaans meaning of

"pers" word gedefinieer as 'n kleur wat tussen rooi en blou is. Dit is 'n kleur wat dikwels geassosieer word met koninklikes, adel, luukse, mag en ambisie. Die woord "pers" kan ook as 'n selfstandige naamwoord gebruik word om te verwys na 'n pigment of kleurstof wat hierdie kleur produseer, of as 'n byvoeglike naamwoord om iets te beskryf wat van 'n diep rooi-blou kleur is, of om iets te beskryf wat gekenmerk word deur koninklike of edele eienskappe.

Sentence Examples

  1. Her natural eye colour was pale purple and could pass as blue, but she wore the lenses anyway.
  2. Gettelung left her by a huge set of purple doors, saying he would be popping in and out all day to see how she was getting on.
  3. His window overlooked purple grass fields, full of Venators already in training.
  4. His earring was a red feather, and he wore purple mascara.
  5. Little did she know I once had to wear a pair of purple lacy panties after losing a bet with Connor during our junior year.
  6. Lok laughed like a lunatic, balls of purple fire appearing in his hands.
  7. The grass on the fields had turned purple as they neared the first castle.
  8. The huge forest sat in the north, the tops of its trees like a patchwork quilt from this high up, with an array of colours from silver to purple.
  9. The green coins were triangular, whilst the purple ones were pentagons.
  10. All she could make out was that he was blond, slim, and held a curious object from which the purple smoke rose.