English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "trek" hang af van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar moontlike definisies:Die handeling om geweld te gebruik om iets na jouself toe te beweeg of in 'n bepaalde rigting.Die handeling om aan 'n tou te trek of te trek, handvatsel, of ander voorwerp om iets te beweeg of te bedryf.Die handeling om invloed of oorreding uit te oefen om 'n bepaalde uitkoms te bereik.Die handeling om iets uit 'n bepaalde te onttrek of te verwyder. plek of situasie.Die daad om mee te ding of teen ander te sukkel vir 'n spesifieke prys of beloning.Sommige voorbeeldsinne wat die verskillende betekenisse van "trek" in illustreer konteks:Hy was besig om die swaar boks teen die trappe op te trek.Sy het die hefboom getrek en die masjien het aangeskakel.Hy het alles getrek. die snare agter die skerms om seker te maak die transaksie gaan deur.Die tandarts was besig om haar tand uit te trek.Die atlete het hard getrek om die wedloop te wen.


  1. pull

Sentence Examples

  1. I could feel it pulling at me, tempting me, and I wondered for the first time if Kay could feel it, too.
  2. Or, years of pulling all-nighters for Academy drills.
  3. He says nothing, enters the room and begins pulling off his shoes and socks.
  4. He grabs Lori, pulling her into his chest and rocks her while he sobs and apologizes over and over again.
  5. He meets her lips and devours them, pulling her close to him and sliding his hands up and down her back until they finally pause at her bottom.
  6. But then Arantay was standing and pulling her to her feet.
  7. He grinned maniacally as his other hand snaked out, grabbing her shirt and pulling her towards him.
  8. The bigger of the two wrapped his arms around her as she lunged, catching her around the waist and pulling her close.
  9. Her hand snaked in his hair, pulling him towards her, her other hand brushed against his stomach, feeling the hard ridges of his abs.
  10. He straddles it backwards and checks out Winnie while pulling off his hat and straightening out his hair.