English to afrikaans meaning of

die woord "projek" het veelvuldige betekenisse, insluitend:Selfstandige naamwoord: 'n beplande onderneming; veral: 'n groot of komplekse plan, skema of operasie om iets te bereik. Voorbeeld: Die konstruksieprojek is geskeduleer om twee jaar te neem om te voltooi.Selfstandige naamwoord: 'n taak of probleem waarin moeite gedoen word; 'n spesifieke plan of ontwerp. Voorbeeld: Die wetenskapprojek het van studente vereis om eksperimente uit te voer en 'n navorsingsreferaat te skryf.Werkwoord: om te beplan, te bereken of (iets) te skat vir 'n tyd of 'n gebeurtenis in in die toekoms. Voorbeeld: Die span voorspel tans 'n toename van 20% in verkope volgende kwartaal.Werkwoord: om (self) met 'n bepaalde houding of voorkoms aan te bied. Voorbeeld: Sy het selfvertroue tydens die werksonderhoud geprojekteer.Werkwoord: om buite 'n oppervlak of lyn uit te brei; om uit te steek. Voorbeeld: Die balkon projekteer van die kant van die gebou af.


  1. externalise
  2. externalize

Sentence Examples

  1. He certainly did not bet to win, and had only staked the twenty thousand pounds, half of his fortune, because he foresaw that he might have to expend the other half to carry out this difficult, not to say unattainable, project.
  2. Break into her office or tell the cops she left something behind for you about a project you were working on together.
  3. While there was no staircase accessing the third floor from the back side of the building, a narrow one in the front led to a cozy library and common area for students working on a group project or a professor holding a special lecture session.
  4. But, as he approached them, his project, which at first had seemed so simple, began to grow more and more formidable to his mind.
  5. He was not listening, but was cogitating a project.
  6. I crossed the car park quickly, in time to see a pale-looking supervisor raise his communicator and project his voice across the crowd.
  7. The idea struck him to change his garments for clothes more in harmony with his project by which he might also get a little money to satisfy the immediate cravings of hunger.
  8. An awful tragedy that left Richard at a loose end with his project.
  9. Now Chief Flim has brought him back here to work on her special project, offering him a chance for advancement at last.
  10. Fogg dropped, she saw that he was meditating some serious project.