English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "hoofsaaklik" is: hoofsaaklik of hoofsaaklik; vir die grootste deel. Dit is 'n bywoord wat iets beskryf wat die primêre of belangrikste aspek van 'n situasie of aksie is. Dit kan ook "in beginsel" of "fundamenteel" beteken, wat aandui dat iets op 'n kernbeginsel of -idee gebaseer is.


  1. chiefly
  2. in the main
  3. primarily
  4. mainly

Sentence Examples

  1. Then more questions were asked, principally by Capstick, but the interview came to an abrupt halt.
  2. It has veered, however, very considerably to the north and now, at sundown, we are holding our course due west, principally by the screw and rudder, which answer their purposes to admiration.
  3. Weston meanwhile, perfectly unsuspicious of the indignation he was exciting, happy and cheerful as usual, and with all the right of being principal talker, which a day spent anywhere from home confers, was making himself agreeable among the rest and having satisfied the inquiries of his wife as to his dinner, convincing her that none of all her careful directions to the servants had been forgotten, and spread abroad what public news he had heard, was proceeding to a family communication, which, though principally addressed to Mrs.
  4. They consisted principally of trinkets of little value, plundered from the slaughtered females of William Henry.
  5. The brothers talked of their own concerns and pursuits, but principally of those of the elder, whose temper was by much the most communicative, and who was always the greater talker.
  6. Elton himself arrived to triumph in his happy prospects, and circulate the fame of her merits, there was very little more for him to do, than to tell her Christian name, and say whose music she principally played.
  7. At first some rash individuals, principally of the gentler sex, espoused his cause, which became still more popular when the Illustrated London News came out with his portrait, copied from a photograph in the Reform Club.
  8. No watch was set, and the crew, consisting principally of Malays, stretched themselves deliberately upon deck.
  9. But those objects against which their envy seems principally directed, are the vices of the younger sort, and the deaths of the old.
  10. The poet was known, personally or by reputation, in all this country he had readers in England and in several of the states of Continental Europe but he had few or no friends and the regrets for his death will be suggested principally by the consideration that in him literary art has lost one of its most brilliant but erratic stars.