English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "voorkoming" is die handeling of praktyk om te keer dat iets gebeur of ontstaan, veral iets wat ongewens of skadelik is. Dit is die aksie om te keer dat iets plaasvind deur stappe te neem om dit te vermy, te verhinder of te stop. Voorkoming kan verskeie maatreƫls behels, soos beplanning, voorbereiding, opvoeding, intervensie of behandeling om 'n negatiewe uitkoms te voorkom of die impak daarvan te verminder. Die term "voorkoming" word algemeen gebruik in die konteks van onder andere gesondheid, veiligheid, misdaad en rampbestuur.


  1. bar

Sentence Examples

  1. The auction was a compromise prevention of unseemly haggling over trinkets.
  2. The bug also knocked out a number of online security systems whose servers tied into the many businesses that partnered with the council and the police, and this resulted in the neutralization of burglar alarms, as well as dozens of fire prevention systems.
  3. Different strains make prevention and immunisation programmes difficult.
  4. The police reported crime statistics, prevention and other community topics.