English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "oorheers" is om te wen of om 'n doelwit of doelwit te bereik, dikwels na 'n stryd of poging. Dit kan ook beteken om wydverspreid te wees of om te bestaan of as waar, korrek of van toepassing aanvaar te word. Daarbenewens kan dit verwys na 'n superieure mag of invloed, of om dominant te wees in 'n spesifieke situasie of konteks.

Sentence Examples

  1. There was an unusual understanding of himself, which was unlike anything I had ever met with in a lunatic and he took it for granted that his reasons would prevail with others entirely sane.
  2. In the movies, a kick-ass heroine might prevail against a gang of heavily armed men.
  3. Moreover, these are only to prevent her coming out they may not prevail on her wanting to get in for then the Un-Dead is desperate, and must find the line of least resistance, whatsoever it may be.
  4. Passepartout shook it, but with no perceptible effect for neither shaking nor maledictions could prevail upon it to change its mind.
  5. But great allowances should be given to a king who lives wholly secluded from the rest of the world, and must therefore be altogether unacquainted with the manners and customs that most prevail in other nations the want of which knowledge will ever produce many prejudices, and a certain narrowness of thinking, from which we and the politer countries of Europe are wholly exempted.
  6. A successful medical career, a beautiful fiancée, and the determination to prevail at all costs.
  7. She resolved to prevail on her to spend a day at Hartfield.
  8. My undoubted scepticism caused considerable tumult in the breast of my host, which was not quietened until I let him prevail upon me to visit together the site of the happenings.
  9. He argued like a young man very much bent on dancing and Emma was rather surprized to see the constitution of the Weston prevail so decidedly against the habits of the Churchills.
  10. A union that strong would prevail against the magnificence of the Empire.