English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "premie" is:'n Som geld betaal vir 'n versekeringspolis of ander diens.Die bedrag waarmee die prys van 'n kommoditeit is hoër as sy produksiekoste.'n Hoëwaarde of voortreflike gehalte produk of diens.'n Bykomende betaling of bonus wat aan iemand gegee word, tipies as 'n beloning of aansporing.Die bedrag betaal of betaalbaar per eenheid van versekeringsdekking.Oor die algemeen verwys die term "premie" na 'n koste of waarde wat hoër is as die norm, of dit nou in terme van prys, kwaliteit of diens. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n bykomende voordeel of beloning wat vir 'n spesifieke rede gegee word.


  1. bounty

Sentence Examples

  1. On the other hand, if one had to judge coffee, who better than the frequent patrons of doughnut shops to pick a premium blend?
  2. This meant that East African farmers had the potential to grow outstanding coffee for the expanding specialty coffee market represented by Starbucks and other premium coffee sellers.
  3. And okay, maybe I wanted to test-drive one of their premium hover cars.
  4. Strength is the outcome of need security sets a premium on feebleness.
  5. If the Russians were top of the line, the premium lobster, then the others were worth far less.
  6. Time was at a premium though, and it was all he could afford.
  7. The ugly girls looking for love, or failing that, a quick feel the tough guys trying to impress their mates with crap passes at the few beautiful girls the beautiful girls at a premium, flaunting their wares and trying to catch the eye of a wannabe gangster the wannabe gangsters wanting desperately to be respected, threatening bouncers and talking too loudly.
  8. Sdemane continues to grow premium baby vegetables for the European export market.
  9. This would further loosen the purse strings, as bidders were less reluctant to pay a premium when a charitable cause was involved.