English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "potensieel" is 'n bywoord wat iets beskryf wat in staat is om te gebeur of waar kan word, alhoewel dit nog nie besef of ten volle bepaal is nie. Dit dui op die moontlikheid of waarskynlikheid van 'n bepaalde uitkoms of ontwikkeling in die toekoms. Dit impliseer dikwels dat iets die potensiaal het om suksesvol, effektief, invloedryk of betekenisvol te wees, maar dit word nie gewaarborg nie.

Sentence Examples

  1. After taking a moment to digest what was potentially about to happen he leaped to his feet, clipped his backpack on, and ran to his bike.
  2. As Gettelung led her through a plethora of peculiar corridors he explained the various abilities a Venator could potentially wield.
  3. As he and Jordan were moving through the tunnel he actually began to believe that maybe his dream was wrong maybe it was only giving him generalities of what was happening, or could potentially happen.
  4. Was my father involved in a potentially illegal or unethical situation?
  5. For someone who potentially killed Abby or just lost his friend, it was curious.
  6. Were Burl or the Elders to become suspicious, the whole delicate web he and Cianne were spinning could unravel, potentially leading them back to her.
  7. Probably guilty of leading Striker on and dumping him for a potentially better opportunity.
  8. I knew she was potentially far more dangerous than her four previous incarnations and far more powerful than any wizard I knew.
  9. A fire in a city that hangs by its fingernails on the rounded ledge of a high plateau above a wide mountain valley is potentially its death sentence.
  10. I could not look upon tiny Ursala and see the terrible fury a Pearl Princess, grown to adulthood, might potentially render.