English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "pose" het verskeie betekenisse na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar van sy algemene woordeboekbetekenisse:Om 'n bepaalde posisie in te neem, tipies vir 'n spesifieke doel of effek.Om aan te bied of aan te bied ('n vraag, probleem, ens.) vir oorweging of bespreking.Om voor te gee dat jy iemand of iets is wat mens nie is nie; om 'n bepaalde houding of persoonlikheid te beïnvloed.Om iets op 'n selfversekerde of aanhoudende wyse uiteen te sit of te beweer.Om ('n moeilikheid, probleem, ens.) vir iemand of iets te veroorsaak. .


  1. affectation
  2. affectedness
  3. mannerism

Sentence Examples

  1. Bentor Benicod, standing in regal pose before an antique desk.
  2. It was a familiar pose and Sant felt reassured whenever she adopted it.
  3. As we were leaving, a fashionable, attractive woman asked us to pose for a picture.
  4. As instructed, Sant said nothing and put on his best professional pose.
  5. I found him sitting out in the middle of the floor on his stool, a pose which is generally indicative of some mental energy on his part.
  6. He could have swayed them by saying how easy it would be for him to pose as someone visiting his family.
  7. Were Burl a highly gifted Enforcer, someone with gods-granted skill at noticing the finest of details, replicating handwriting would pose no real challenge for her.
  8. Darkwing followed close behind her, keeping a relaxed pose.
  9. He tried to find a delicate way to pose his next question.
  10. Interviewing skinhead racists could pose serious ethical problems.