English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "poise" is om iets op 'n bestendige en grasieuse manier vas te hou of te balanseer, dikwels met 'n gevoel van kalmte en selfversekerdheid. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n toestand van balans en stabiliteit, beide fisies en emosioneel, of 'n waardige en selfversekerde manier of gedrag. Daarbenewens kan "poise" as 'n selfstandige naamwoord gebruik word om te verwys na 'n toestand van ewewig of 'n gevoel van kalmte en selfversekerdheid.

Sentence Examples

  1. She strolled back toward the fire with admirable poise, only a slight sway in her steps.
  2. She was pleased to see Cat handling the situation with poise.
  3. As her calm poise reflects the tranquil night, breakers are foaming that only she can hear.
  4. Only this time, she had more confidence and poise.
  5. If nothing else, Pharaoh was handsome, with the poise of a true king.
  6. Borg tightened his poise and then made his way toward Aaric.
  7. Helen gushed over Lance, as did all the other adults, praising his poise and his impassioned speech, clapping him on the back.
  8. Everything about the mage screamed anguish as the demon inside directed him onward with relentless poise.
  9. The two elder men sailing the canoe, who resembled each other and had a casual, friendly manner, had managed the large proa with a high degree of poise and efficiency.
  10. The poise of the head strikes one at once as indicative of thought and power the head is noble, well-sized, broad, and large behind the ears.