English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van "puntig" is op 'n direkte of ooglopende manier, veral wanneer dit kom by die oordra van 'n boodskap of die maak van 'n opmerking. Dit impliseer dat iets gesĂȘ of gedoen word met 'n duidelike doel of bedoeling, dikwels om 'n bepaalde punt te maak of die aandag op 'n spesifieke saak te vestig. Dit kan ook 'n vlak van klem of dringendheid voorstel in die manier waarop iets gekommunikeer word.

Sentence Examples

  1. Silas stepped forward, his cane hitting pointedly on the ground.
  2. Resentment could not have been more plainly spoken than in a civility to her father, from which she was so pointedly excluded.
  3. With her arms crossed, she drummed her fingers against her designer purse and clicked one heel pointedly against the floor.
  4. Which proved true as he ate, pointedly ignoring the dirty looks Eden repeatedly tossed his way.
  5. Neat trick, I thought pointedly, and he gently squeezed my shoulders before releasing me.
  6. The Commissioner of Police was there, and he pointedly introduced Bernard as Detective Chief Superintendent Thistlehurst.
  7. I protested that I dyed my hair, but he looked pointedly at my hips.
  8. The gritty espresso machine roiled in the background, and his lips twitched, but I stared pointedly at him.
  9. He looked at a couple of the other stragglers pointedly, and the three together rushed inside the carriage.
  10. Morris clears his throat and looks pointedly at the empty seat next to me.