English to afrikaans meaning of

'n speelgrond is 'n buite-area waar kinders kan speel wat gewoonlik toerusting (soos glybane en swaaie) insluit. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n soortgelyke binnenshuise area wat ontwerp is vir kinders se speel, soos in 'n skool of dagsorgfasiliteit. Daarbenewens kan die term breër gebruik word om enige area of omgewing te beskryf waar mense aan ontspannings- of sosiale aktiwiteite deelneem.

Sentence Examples

  1. As a child, Lorlenalin had been her playground, bursting with many mysteries she once explored.
  2. Outside of these, the west side made up the recreational and business arms of the community, the Community house and Post Office, churches, playground, bath house, and beach.
  3. Also, no one used to play with me on the playground when I was little, while as a teenager at parties I was one of those who, when others were dancing, sat on the sofa, examining them.
  4. Lanzarote, a playground for pleasure seekers I like to keep my distance from the madness of it.
  5. It was still huge, its arms stretching over almost the whole playground.
  6. We can email, text, and chat with anyone around the world in seconds, inventing new languages as we go and the virtual world has become the new playground of our children.
  7. Our world has become a playground for the young, the fast and the furious, wrapped up in speed, with youthful leaders to match.
  8. On a mellow late summer night Jonathan had seen some ghostly figures congregating in the bushes at the edge of a playground.
  9. On the ball fields and in the playground area children laughed and screamed with delight.
  10. In an instant it seemed like the entire playground went silent.