English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "gevaarlik" is "op 'n manier wat vol gevaar of risiko is." Dit is 'n bywoord wat iets beskryf wat gedoen of gebeur op 'n manier wat skade of gevaar tot gevolg kan hê. As iemand byvoorbeeld gevaarlik bestuur, bestuur hulle op 'n manier wat waarskynlik 'n ongeluk sal veroorsaak of hulself en ander in gevaar kan stel.


  1. dangerously
  2. hazardously

Sentence Examples

  1. Crews struggled to control the blaze, believed to have started in the hay shed, with their efforts hampered by strong winds and perilously dry conditions.
  2. What I was doing came perilously close to a verbal contract.
  3. One came perilously close to Rowan as he climbed back onto the bed and shuffled past it.
  4. He worked through various day-to-day household matters ranging from how few eggs had been laid this past week to the perilously low stores of fuel for the generator.
  5. Gadolin remained still as he watched men with dogs working their way perilously close to Rona.
  6. The metallic click, so silent he usually failed to notice it, now seemed perilously loud.
  7. He had reached perilously close to the Midgard Wall, so he might well have crossed some other boundary between worlds.