English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "waarneem" is om bewus te word van, te weet of iets te verstaan deur die sintuie, veral sig of gehoor, of deur intuïsie of insig. Dit kan ook beteken om iets op 'n bepaalde manier te interpreteer of te beskou.

Sentence Examples

  1. Chance alone, it was clear, had brought Colonel Proctor on this train but there he was, and it was necessary, at all hazards, that Phileas Fogg should not perceive his adversary.
  2. To the eye of genius, the veil of the spiritual world is ever rent asunder that it may perceive the ministers of good and evil who throng continually around it.
  3. The sea appeared unruffled as a mirror, although, by means of the spy-glass, I could perceive it to be in a state of violent agitation.
  4. You perceive, however, that he is neither a lamb, nor a goat, nor a satyr, neither has he much resemblance to the Pan of the Arcadians.
  5. Nevertheless, I could easily perceive that the balloon now hovered above the range of great lakes in the continent of North America, and was holding a course, due south, which would bring me to the tropics.
  6. But I did not fail to perceive that these latter calculations are founded altogether on our experimental knowledge of the properties of air, and the mechanical laws regulating its dilation and compression, in what may be called, comparatively speaking, the immediate vicinity of the earth itself and, at the same time, it is taken for granted that animal life is and must be essentially incapable of modification at any given unattainable distance from the surface.
  7. Intelligence derives from the Latin verb, intelligere, the ability to think, to comprehend or perceive.
  8. They could not perceive, so they said, what good was likely to result from their getting wet to the skin, merely to take a part in such horrible incantations.
  9. But I perceive we have arrived at the city itself.
  10. Should he perceive Colonel Proctor, we could not prevent a collision which might have terrible results.