English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "ertjie" is 'n klein, ronde, groen saadjie wat tipies geëet word as 'n groente gekook of gebruik word om sop te maak. Dit is ook die naam van die plant wat hierdie sade produseer, wat aan die peulplantfamilie behoort. "Ertjie" kan ook gebruik word om te verwys na enige soortgelyke eetbare saad of die plant wat dit produseer, soos keker-ertjies of sneeu-ertjies. Boonop kan "ertjie" as 'n slengterm gebruik word om na 'n klein, onbeduidende hoeveelheid van iets te verwys.

Sentence Examples

  1. Got the top button on my navy pea coat buttoned, wearing gloves, pack on my back.
  2. They wore matching blue wool pea coats and matching insipid smiles.
  3. The pea gravel she remembered was gone, replaced with wood mulch.
  4. Street stalls fry pancakes and sell pea soup by the pint from a cluster of tankards swinging on chains.
  5. I have two protein bars, two chocolate bars, a small pack of peanuts and some chick pea snacks.
  6. A willowy woman with huge mossy eyes and long, hair the color of young pea pods, smiled back at me.
  7. If he had any sense in that pea brain of his he would have figured it out and moved on.
  8. Then he drew from his waistcoat-pocket the little emerald box, raised the golden lid, and took from it a pastille about the size of a pea, which he placed in her hand.