English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "buitepos" is 'n klein militêre kamp of stasie wat in 'n afgeleë gebied gevestig is. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n nedersetting of 'n handelspos wat in 'n afgeleë of ylbevolkte gebied geleë is, gewoonlik aan die buitewyke van die beskawing. In 'n figuurlike sin kan 'n buitepos ook 'n groep of 'n individu wees wat aan die rand of buitewyke van 'n groter organisasie of gemeenskap geleë is of opereer.

Sentence Examples

  1. It was the most northerly outpost of the Greek Empire in Central Asia.
  2. One of their bear kings, Azaz, has attacked the military outpost of the rulku.
  3. The Warhounds, like only a few other companies in this war, were legendary in their exploits, having single-handedly stopped the advance of a Bergsbor army in Astrovia with their miraculous defense of an aging outpost, and forcing an Anduain army to retreat after decimating their supply lines with harrying hit-and-run attacks.
  4. Originally, it was set up as kind of a military outpost.
  5. Hurst Castle was again a critical outpost defending the western approaches.
  6. No doubt their meager outpost of the Fourth Estate was doing the best it could.
  7. They reached the Medwain outpost about an hour later, a thick, stone tower on the west bank that stood about three stories tall.