English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "ossillasie" is 'n gereelde beweging heen en weer tussen twee punte of toestande, dikwels rondom 'n sentrale of neutrale punt. Dit kan ook verwys na die variasie of fluktuasie van 'n hoeveelheid, soos 'n golf, elektriese stroom of klank, rondom 'n sentrale waarde of punt. Daarbenewens kan "ossillasie" gebruik word om die handeling van vinnig swaai of vibreer te beskryf, of om 'n besluitelose of wisselende verandering in opinie, bui of gedrag te beskryf.


  1. cycle

Sentence Examples

  1. In almost all climes the tortoise and the frog are among the precursors and heralds of this season, and birds fly with song and glancing plumage, and plants spring and bloom, and winds blow, to correct this slight oscillation of the poles and preserve the equilibrium of Nature.
  2. A slight oscillation showed Dantès that all went well.
  3. Whenever the oscillation twisted in my direction, the cold air brought goose-bumps to my sweat-filmed skin.