English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "georkestreer" is om ('n komplekse gebeurtenis of operasie) met groot sorg en detail te beplan en te koördineer, wat dikwels verskeie mense of komponente behels. Die term word algemeen gebruik om te verwys na musikale komposisies wat verwerk is vir uitvoering deur 'n orkes of ander musikale ensemble,

Sentence Examples

  1. Since they were very elderly, their age may have been a factor, but Cianne had the distinct impression that whatever was going on between them was being orchestrated, for the most part, by her father, Moiria, Elder Borean, and Elder Vorfarth.
  2. His experience of patrolling football grounds in the late eighties had taught him that most of the violence was not as organised or orchestrated as newspapers or TV documentaries pretended.
  3. I would not have been surprised to find out it was the Patriarch himself who orchestrated the grab for imperial authority.
  4. Fuck the whole incompetent way the entire fiasco had been orchestrated.
  5. Whatever had been carefully orchestrated was rapidly falling apart.
  6. You orchestrated my whole recovery and now I would like to return some energy to you.
  7. Many were named after Iszak and his siblings for the little tasks they pulled off to help complete a human love affair his grandmother had orchestrated.
  8. His brother had orchestrated this attack, and the boss ordered him to protect the furnaces at all costs.
  9. Or had been one of those angels until Mittron orchestrated his downfall.
  10. Kennard, like a bloody clash orchestrated by the King.