English to afrikaans meaning of

Volgens die Oxford English Dictionary verwys die woord "opium" na 'n narkotiese middel wat verkry word uit die gedroogde lateks van onryp saadkapsules van die opiumpapawer, Papaver somniferum. Dit bevat alkaloïede soos morfien, kodeïen en thebaine, en word gebruik vir pynverligting, om slaap te veroorsaak en 'n euforiese effek te produseer. Die term kan ook verwys na enige voorbereiding of afgeleide van opium, sowel as na die gedroogde saadkapsules self.

Sentence Examples

  1. The panorama passed before their eyes like a flash, save when the steam concealed it fitfully from the view the travellers could scarcely discern the fort of Chupenie, twenty miles south-westward from Benares, the ancient stronghold of the rajahs of Behar or Ghazipur and its famous rose-water factories or the tomb of Lord Cornwallis, rising on the left bank of the Ganges the fortified town of Buxar, or Patna, a large manufacturing and trading-place, where is held the principal opium market of India or Monghir, a more than European town, for it is as English as Manchester or Birmingham, with its iron foundries, edgetool factories, and high chimneys puffing clouds of black smoke heavenward.
  2. He thought that the time had not yet arrived to divulge to his master what had taken place between the detective and himself and, in the account he gave of his absence, he simply excused himself for having been overtaken by drunkenness, in smoking opium at a tavern in Hong Kong.
  3. At the small tables which were arranged about the room some thirty customers were drinking English beer, porter, gin, and brandy smoking, the while, long red clay pipes stuffed with little balls of opium mingled with essence of rose.
  4. It was also said he controlled a network of opium dens scattered across the high country.
  5. The cries of the fakirs were just ceasing the Indians were in the act of plunging themselves into the drunkenness caused by liquid opium mingled with hemp, and it might be possible to slip between them to the temple itself.
  6. Passepartout wandered for several hours in the midst of this motley crowd, looking in at the windows of the rich and curious shops, the jewellery establishments glittering with quaint Japanese ornaments, the restaurants decked with streamers and banners, the tea-houses, where the odorous beverage was being drunk with saki, a liquor concocted from the fermentation of rice, and the comfortable smoking-houses, where they were puffing, not opium, which is almost unknown in Japan, but a very fine, stringy tobacco.
  7. But the Frenchman did not appear, and, without doubt, was still lying under the stupefying influence of the opium.
  8. Among the passengers were a number of officers, Government officials, and opium and indigo merchants, whose business called them to the eastern coast.
  9. We had also on board coir, jaggeree, ghee, cocoa-nuts, and a few cases of opium.
  10. Opium is smoked everywhere, at all times, by men and women, in the Celestial Empire and, once accustomed to it, the victims cannot dispense with it, except by suffering horrible bodily contortions and agonies.