English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "aan" het veelvuldige betekenisse afhangende van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar van die mees algemene woordeboekdefinisies van "aan":Uitdrukking van fisiese kontak of nabyheid: "Die boek is op die tafel."Uitdrukking van 'n toestand of toestand: "Ek is met vakansie."Uitdrukking van beweging of rigting na 'n bestemming: "Kom ons gaan op 'n staptog."Om 'n voortsetting of vordering van iets uit te druk: "Die bespreking het ure lank aangehou."Om ondersteuning of ooreenkoms met iets uit te spreek: "Ek is aan boord van die plan."Uitspreek van betrokkenheid by 'n aktiwiteit of taak: "Ek' ek werk tans aan 'n projek."Hierdie is net 'n paar voorbeelde van die verskillende betekenisse van "aan." Die spesifieke definisie kan verskil na gelang van die sinstruktuur en konteks waarin dit gebruik word.

Sentence Examples

  1. Before long, I skated across a sheet of ice like an awkward ballerina wearing clown shoes and fell flat on my back.
  2. After landing at the Buffalo Niagara International Airport on a miserable mid-February afternoon, I rented a Jeep to trek another ninety miles south into Pennsylvania.
  3. My sister could arrange for a waiter to dump a bowl of soup on Abby, then lock her in the bathroom while I escaped.
  4. Acknowledgments Writing a book is not an achievement an individual person can do on his or her own.
  5. My usually clean-cut dark-blond hair was littered with leaves, and the four days of stubble on my cheeks and chin was blanketed in mounds of snow.
  6. I hope you enjoy my alternative take on this classic sub-genre.
  7. Have you given up on life, or did it give up on you?
  8. I navigated the winding highway drive with the heater set to die-from-sauna max and the wiper blades on maniacal passive-aggressive mode to keep the windshield clear of heavy sleet and snow.
  9. I was lucky enough to inherit the recessive Danby genes, but more on those cruel legacies another time.

TV Series Examples



- Not a scratch on it.



But since we're short on time...



l piss on Dothraki omens.



Lysa's head would be on a spike right now



Get back on your horse.