English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "neut" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks, maar sommige van die mees algemene definisies sluit in:'n Vrug of saad met harde dop met 'n skeibare pit omring deur 'n houtagtige of leeragtige dop, soos 'n eikel of 'n kastaiingbruin.'n Klein stukkie metaal of ander materiaal met 'n draadgat deur die middel, wat gebruik word om maak boute of skroewe vas.'n Klein, gewoonlik seskantige blok metaal of ander materiaal met 'n skroefgat deur die middel, wat gebruik word om moere en boute vas te trek of los te maak.'n Persoon wat entoesiasties of 'n obsessie met 'n bepaalde onderwerp of aktiwiteit is, soos 'n "motormoer" of 'n "sportmoer." 'n Slangterm vir 'n persoon se kop, soos in "Ek het my moer aan die deur gestamp."'n Afbrekende slengterm vir 'n geestesongestelde persoon.'n Slangterm vir testikels, veral in Britse Engels.'n Harde, suikerbedekte lekkergoed, gewoonlik gegeur met peperment of wintergroen .

Sentence Examples

  1. Wenders wanted to stick me in jail something fierce, but he would have settled for locking me away in a nut house any day of the week.
  2. Radolf ate little of the feast, having gorged himself, along with the other children, on pine nut candy, Leche Lumbard and other sweetmeats for most of the day.
  3. Coconut trees crowded the edges of the well-manicured lawn like gossiping socialites at a cocktail party snubbing the shorter kukui nut trees around them.
  4. They sought a religious nut, where better to find one?
  5. Am hoping the nut will stay off my back so long as I keep to myself, do my work, keep quiet.
  6. This nut, this flake actually was raising a child.
  7. The ginger nut was a fine detective with a proven track record, comparable to his own.
  8. He quickly tightened down a nut and moved to another.
  9. He tries this on very much with me, but I flatter myself he has got a tough nut to crack.
  10. I possess a share of wit, and a certain relative sensibility, which enables me to draw from life in general, for the support of mine, all I meet with that is good, like the monkey who cracks the nut to get at its contents.