English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "blinddoek" is 'n stuk lap of ander materiaal wat gebruik word om iemand se oë te bedek, tipies as 'n manier om hulle te blinddoek, of te verhoed dat hulle sien. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n werkwoord wat beteken om iemand se oë met 'n blinddoek te bedek, of om iemand onbewus te maak van iets, of om te verhoed dat iemand iets sien.

Sentence Examples

  1. He put me in his Spitfire with a blindfold around my head.
  2. A black blindfold was wrapped around his face while gusts of snow pushed past into the open space.
  3. At least a minute passed before I returned to find Mary twirling her thumbs a sideways smile curled the edge of the blindfold.
  4. No longer restrained, she untied her blindfold, eyes flying wide open.
  5. Tossing aside her blindfold, the guard released her, leaving her arm bruised from his grip.
  6. Sara snatched off her blindfold and found the executioner lying dead at her feet.
  7. Scraps of the cloth covered his eyes like a blindfold.
  8. With a sigh, I removed the bracelet and the blindfold.
  9. She struggled to see anything beyond the bag blindfold that left her alone in the dark.
  10. Alas, my blindfold had replaced the wire-rimmed glasses.