English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord het "getal" verskeie woordeboekbetekenisse:'n Wiskundige waarde of hoeveelheid uitgedruk as 'n woord, simbool of figuur.'n Hoeveelheid of hoeveelheid bedrag.'n Syfer of stel syfers wat 'n hoeveelheid of waarde verteenwoordig.'n Telefoonnommer of ander reeks syfers wat gebruik word om 'n spesifieke persoon of organisasie te identifiseer.'n Persoon of ding wat as individueel of afsonderlik beskou word.As 'n werkwoord kan "getal" beteken om 'n getal toe te ken aan of om 'n bepaalde totaal te beloop.

Sentence Examples

  1. This was the absolute worst place for magic-based combat, all the worse for the number of people here.
  2. Further demons leaped through the windows, clinging to the walls with mirth, growing in number by the second, multiplying like bacteria.
  3. While I was dialing her number, Connor received another call and stepped away.
  4. The sight of the number of guards crowded outside the door had squashed that notion entirely.
  5. We had only a limited number of rooms, but this place was more of a transition point.
  6. I lean over to search the airport corridors and two cops are laughing over coffee around Gate Number Four.
  7. I dialed the number for registration and pretended to be him inquiring about my final bill.
  8. Outside the Alliance, the number of people who could use magic here on Earth was hardly worth counting.
  9. When I arrived at her street, I made a right and ambled past the first few houses before finally finding one with a number.
  10. I turned my back and nosed around some more while he dialled the number, peering into boxes.

TV Series Examples



Which is the bigger number -