English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "opmerklik" is: aandag of aandag waardig; merkwaardig, uitsonderlik of prominent.


  1. leading light
  2. guiding light
  3. notability
  4. luminary

Sentence Examples

  1. But after the world became a little acquainted with that notable history, the man that was seen in that once celebrated drapery was pointed at as a Don Quixote, and found himself the jest of high and low.
  2. His notable little wife, too, had enough to do to attend to her housekeeping and manage her poultry for, as she sagely observed, ducks and geese are foolish things, and must be looked after, but girls can take care of themselves.
  3. I say, then, that in these and other respects our gallant Don Quixote is worthy of everlasting and notable praise, nor should it be withheld even from me for the labour and pains spent in searching for the conclusion of this delightful history though I know well that if Heaven, chance and good fortune had not helped me, the world would have remained deprived of an entertainment and pleasure that for a couple of hours or so may well occupy him who shall read it attentively.
  4. Akirandon is the most notable Demon Disciple today and the location, or existence, of the other disciples are now unknown.
  5. The Post is the smaller city newspaper to the notable Times-Picayune.
  6. The powers that be hushed up the affair, the local Bobbies accepting generous backhanders from notable dignitaries as payment for banging a few heads together.
  7. She was what people call a notable woman, and could manage matters in the world without my assistance.
  8. A notable Drac Lord is Karazickle, Drac Lord of the Night.
  9. I tried to memorize every notable detail of the area and moved on to the other addresses.
  10. The Muskrat shook my hand like a long lost friend then bragged about the notable size of his real estate investments.