English to afrikaans meaning of

Normandië is 'n streek in Noord-Frankryk, wat bekend is vir sy historiese en kulturele betekenis. Die woord "Normandië" kan ook verwys na die mense wat uit daardie streek kom of die taal wat daar gepraat word.


  1. normandie

Sentence Examples

  1. It was a lieutenant from Normandy who took the body of the vicomte on his shoulders and carried it back to the lines.
  2. Since leaving the village, he had returned to Normandy with the King for a short while, fought battles for William in Southern Italy, and had then returned to England, where he and his knights spent their time putting down insurrections throughout the country.
  3. The regiments of Picardy, Navarre, Normandy, and Royal Vaisseau, followed after.
  4. Lastly, he had taken Albert to Normandy when he knew the final blow was near.
  5. Devona sent a messenger to bring my children to me from Normandy.
  6. Owning properties in Normandy, he has sufficient knowledge, and is capable of enlightening his people as to better and more productive ways to farm the lands.
  7. Normandy and Picardy had taken positions in the rocks dominated by the heights of the mountain, upon the declivity of which were raised the bastions of Gigelli.